The Skirt That Solves It All

3 Days 3 Ways: The Skirt That Solves It All

Meet the magic midi you can't live without (true story). Not only is it the hottest trend for spring, but you'll wear it well into next winter. It's a styling savant because it looks great with everything...which Heidi is here to show you. Have a watch then snap up this skirt!
Show Transcript
0:00hey hey hey 3 days three0:03ways it's cold it's kind of cold0:08[Music]0:10everywhere here's the deal we're going0:12to take a fabulous fabulous item that is0:15going to be on your radar for now all0:20the way through I promise next year the0:24denim skirt we're going to style it0:25three different ways we're going to make0:27it weather friendly because I'm wearing0:28tall boots we KNE bare legs when the0:31weather is this cold and three fantastic0:35tops to take you anywhere you need to go0:38first look brunch with the girls now0:41original inspiration not going to lie0:43little t-shirt sweater thrown over the0:46shoulders done and done uh it's cold so0:49unless the restaurant you're going to0:51for brunch is hot hot hot which maybe it0:54is I'm layering up but I'm going to do0:57it in a really fun way so Stripes can0:59cannot go wrong this season this is the1:02Lex pullover from velvet exclusively at1:06ever meant to be a little bit relaxed1:08I'm wearing my true size in this one1:11crossbody does anybody do it better than1:13Clare V I don't think so and yes you can1:16mix a little bit of check with a little1:18bit of stripe when everything stays1:20neutral black and brown brilliant1:23combination for bag because no matter1:25what the belt or the shoe it matches the1:28skirt this is from pist now I'm wearing1:30my true size in this one alert alert1:34this will stretch so don't be afraid if1:37it's feeling snug and hug when you pull1:40it on it's going to mold with you as1:43that denim heats up and then let's talk1:45about the boot Just a Touch just a touch1:48of Western in this Mark Fisher boot1:50covers up the calves and keeps you1:53toasty brunch with the girls time to1:56catch up if you haven't seen them since1:57yesterday last month or2:00maybe even last fall cuz life we got you2:04covered okay I've got a really fun2:07runaround on a Sunday GTO done look2:11coming up look number two give it to me2:13straight this is errand season for sure2:16but if you're like me the reality is2:19you're going to run into 10,000 people2:21that you know when you're running all2:22the errands and did I mention it is so2:26cold out so layer layer layer now you're2:28going to notice I'm wearing lots of2:31layers yes because it's cold but also2:33because that is absolutely a styling tip2:36that helps things look put and pulled2:39together this season so back to that2:42fabulous Rag and Bone tea that little2:44pop of white layered underneath a2:47sweatshirt a sweater a jacket a shirt2:49whatever it might be pulls it all2:53together and gives that look of2:54intentional style which at the end of2:57the day is kind of what we're all going2:59for right I want to look like I tried3:01but didn't try too hard white T-shirt3:03layered underneath ah easy easy solve so3:06back to that pistola skirt kept on the3:08shoes cross body Bay because handsfree3:11we got to get her done right now here3:13are the essential pieces camo shacket3:17from3:17sunry this is a must gang I'm telling3:21you right now you're going to wear this3:22over sweatshirts you're going to wear3:23this over sweaters you're going to wear3:24it over hoodies you're going to wear it3:25over teas you're going to wear it over3:26tanks you're going to wear it over3:28sundresses come warm weather it will be3:30here someday I promise lightweight not3:33too long gives great shape this is your3:37new seasonal staple from sunry get it3:40while you can I'm wearing a zero on this3:43which is the equivalent of an extra3:44small and I have a sweatshirt layered3:45underneath so yes it is3:49roomy perfect for magic word of the day3:53layers okay Charlotte sweatshirt now3:56this comes in not one but two colors you3:59know know me I was laughing I was like4:01has there ever been an outfut that's4:02more me than this one if you guys have4:04watched me for a long time you know I4:06love myself a good neutral so this comes4:09in a fantastic gray but I'd say a gray4:12with personality right little bit of raw4:15hem on the sleeve and on the Hem and how4:18cute is this fun edged pocket now it4:21also comes in a great wash Coral so if4:23you're looking for a little shot of life4:27in the face the coral is going to do all4:29the things things I just abandon the4:33like shot of color in my face for my4:35neutral that I know I'm going to wear4:36over and over again so love this one4:39just as much love it even more with a4:41camo over it and then back with that CLA4:43V bag crossed over I'm getting it all4:46done with Grace and feeling together but4:50most importantly feeling crazy crazy4:54comfortable no more Monday scaries guys4:57or I guess they call them Sunday scaries4:58for Monday no more of those because I've5:01got an outfit that you can plan ahead5:03and wear wherever that Monday morning5:06meeting might be bringing you coming up5:08next last look see I promised no Sunday5:11scaries when you've got this outfit on5:13deck for Monday morning so taking that5:16fabulous pistola skirt once again and5:18gang might I mention this is the third5:20outfit I put the skirt on with and it5:23definitely has relaxed so do not fear it5:27will be snug when you first put it on in5:29your normal size it will relax and mold5:31to your body so same skirt same fabulous5:34Mark Fisher boots and here's how we are5:36getting it work ready we're taking that5:39oh yeah third times a charm R and Bone5:42tea layering it underneath this fabulous5:44button down from Eve now why I love this5:48taking a stripe flipping it on its head5:50with this fun little contrast pocket5:53meant to be oversized note this doesn't5:56mean oversized gang so it's really easy6:00to get swallowed up in that super super6:04oversized Trend that's not what we're6:06going for here we're just going for an6:07ease so normal size in the shirt The6:11Styling of it and the fit in tension of6:13it is already to be relaxed so I'm6:16embracing it letting it just feel easy6:19and layering it over that white shirt6:21gives me some fun detail here to really6:25finish it off and notice how this nips6:27in your waist this fabulous melon belt6:30also from every yes you can mix black6:33and brown little bit of Gold Hardware6:35dresses this up done pistola skirt6:39fabulous Mark Fisher tall boot ready for6:43whatever this weather takes you and get6:46out there have some brunch run some6:48errands I mean you have to so you might6:50as well look good doing it and get ready6:52for that Monday morning wherever it may6:55take you this is winner winner winner6:58chicken dinner guys got to get it all7:00right thanks so much and we will see you7:01soon take care stay warm holy smokes7:05stay7:10warm

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