Summer Vacation Essentials with Ash, Director of Styling

Styled with Ash: Summer Vacation Essentials with Ash, Director of Styling

It's hot, you're hitting the road... what to pack? Ash, our Director of Styling is back with the perfect getaway capsule. It's full of new favorites you'll love to mix and match. So keep cool and carry on! Tell us, where are you headed this month?
Show Transcript
0:00it's like a Friday here and a Friday0:01there and then it's like crew if you see0:03Jamie on the road give her two honks0:06beep0:08beep hey crew it's Ash ever's director0:11of styling and we are talking the one0:12thing we know is on your calendar this0:13month and that is weekend getaway so we0:15have a road trip extraordinaire and0:17every producer I'm Jamie who's going to0:19talk us through what's in her weekend0:21getaway bag all right we're talking0:23travel first this amazing barley set0:25Jamie why do you love it it is the0:27softest most comfortable fabric0:28everything is stretchy whether you're0:30taking that 12-hour road trip like me0:32very soon or if you're jumping on a0:34plane and headed somewhere it is going0:35to be your go-to thing you're going to0:37be so comfortable when you're in it love0:39it all right let's take her out of the0:41car into the city with outfit number two0:43all right Jamie tell everyone where0:44you're headed to this summer oh we're0:46headed to Michigan we're going to Maine0:48aasa islands and lots of cin weekends0:50all right so for all those places0:51there's one uniform that's going to work0:53everywhere and it's all about an amazing0:55graphic tea or that easy breezy tank and0:57the best C off shorts from a Goldie0:59Jamie is wearing the a Parker long true1:02to size you want them to fit a little1:03bit more relaxed little bit more lived1:05in and then an amazing little graphic1:08from a spiritual gangster because who1:09doesn't need a little bit more kindness1:10yeah all my children while we're1:12traveling need a little kindness just a1:14great reminder all right let's head to1:16look number three every weekend getaway1:18needs an easy peasy dress Jamie has on1:20one of my favorites this is from Z1:21Supply two colors rib fabrication dress1:24it up wear it casual Jamie where are you1:26wearing it too I'm headed to Maine I'm1:28so excited I'm hoping to take it around1:29down little shopping maybe eat a little1:32fresh fish Lobster yeah I'm really1:34looking forward to it all right so good1:36so fun I do believe this is an amazing1:38capsule where all the items can be mixed1:39and match so I have one more look I want1:41to pop over this dress we're going to1:42take that great sweatshirt you had on1:46for travel cute again this will be great1:48for a cooler night too you're going to1:49throw it over your should now if you're1:51hitting the streets Sunny want some sun1:54protection or hair rescue throw on a1:56great baseball cap pairs back to your1:58Burks which are the go-to shoe for an1:59entire weekend getaway and you're ready2:01to go love it we have so many amazing2:03options all the ways to mix and match2:05within this little getaway capsule if2:07you see Jamie on the road this summer2:08send her back to work all right safe2:11travels

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