Moody Blues & More

New Arrivals: Moody Blues & More

Ash is back and she brought a whole vibe. Lots of just-dropped pieces in muted hues of blue, green, and new neutrals. It's summer-light with laid-back swagger. Check it out, then add a little attitude to your look.
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0:00for those of you who don't know I'm Ash0:01everes director of styling and every0:04couple of weeks we go through all the0:05new things that have just hit our0:06website hit our stores so let's get into0:09it all right it's the middle of July and0:11I don't know about you but you're kind0:12of like it's hot it's very hot here0:16super hot and I'm kind of feel like I've0:18worn my shorts real hard my core summer0:21outfits and I don't know what to wear0:22anymore so you know what I'm going to do0:24slip on a dress okay brand new Sanctuary0:27this is the Diana Surplus dress I'm0:29wearing a large I love this like slate0:32blue color it's kind of got like a wash0:34effect on it just feels easy breezy I0:37love that it feels a little bit more0:38elevated but really really casual this0:40does come with the tie crew I just opted0:43out of it I love just like that easy you0:45know shift dress that you can slip on0:47but if you want to create and accentuate0:49the waist I think a tie easiest way to0:51do it I typically just do a knot not a0:53bow pun is that even a pun not not a bow0:57I just do a knot here cuz then I just0:58think your ey stays at the um dress and1:00not at the bow but I'm going to slip1:02this off and then you know what else I1:04do a little hack I just cut these little1:06strings off even if you're going to wear1:07the tie I just think it's easier if you1:09don't have to fuss with any of that but1:11super easy breezy again wearing a large1:13this would be an easy work outfit1:15showers events you have coming up we1:17have our town days coming up you could1:19totally rock this to the parade easy1:22easy and then these amazing little shits1:24sandals they are simple clean barely1:27there that creates a super long lean leg1:31which I love and again it can go a1:33little bit more elevated or a little bit1:34more casual and while we're on Footwear1:36I have to show you guys the new1:37Birkenstock that just dropped how1:39fantastic are these like more patent1:41black with that big gold buckle so1:44elevated as we I shouldn't even say this1:47as we dip into fall I know it's only1:50like a month and a half away these are1:51going to be like an easy little1:52transitional shoe but I'm obsessed with1:53Burks so anything new from them is so1:56good okay while we're on the accessories1:58conversation we brought in this new2:01brand s and Seline I think last month2:04and they blew out of here okay so we2:06have more more options that are here2:09these awesome little fanny packs this is2:10neoprene braided great little zippers2:13these are $70 crew love these fun colors2:16for sum summer this also comes in black2:19and then these easy peasy um cross body2:21bags which I love the Dual side pocket2:25like you know like how you always you2:26have to have to beg where your phone's2:28going to go and I love that you can just2:29flip this in here or your keys or gum or2:31just you always need that one thing you2:32just need to dip your hand into instead2:34of digging through the entire bag but2:37this is so great again I'm assuming2:39machine washable because it's neoprene2:41but these have flown out of here again2:44this comes in black as well but I'm2:45loving that like pop of color for summer2:47so fun okay and then what I personally2:50love is just a great old tote right fun2:53camel color it comes with another little2:56bag inside here these are a little bit2:59more of an invest at 180 so so good love3:02this for travel and then hey you want a3:04new night out bag or day to night fun3:06little black version there too but you3:08guys get these accessories now they're3:09hot hot hot they are blowing through3:12here but these are just fresh on the3:13site and in a few of our stores as well3:16okay I'm going to use the word hot this3:18is going to be your new drinking game3:20this morning with your green tea your3:21water your coffee I'm going to use the3:23word hot a lot and I maybe I'll try not3:25to but it's hot so we're always looking3:27for those amazing Fabrics that keep you3:29really cool when it's3:31steamy love this dress from rails so3:33this is in a blue linen fabric I just3:35love the way linen lays it drapes it's3:38just got a little bit of like heftiness3:40to us to it which doesn't sound sexy at3:42all but I don't know the fabric and3:44texture is3:46incredible I've said this many a times3:49before but rails does an incredible3:52incredible job on their fit with their3:53dresses so we've had multiple dresses3:55that are like this that run shorter and3:57I love that they gave us a maxi length3:59option4:00can go a little bit more elevated I'm4:01thinking bridal showers baby showers4:04little events patios how cute would that4:07be back to this little shoe I have on4:09right here bra friendly so so good you4:12just do your skin tone to the your bra4:15should match your skin tone because it's4:17going to look a little bit sheerer but4:19it's going to be really lightweight easy4:20for summer nights sticking within that4:23lightweight fabrication another new top4:25from rails in a great little linen black4:27with like this little washed White easy4:30breezy button down pair this back to a4:32little white short or jeans just easy4:35breezy gives you the coverage or a4:36little bit more um4:39sophistication but it's going to feel4:40really lightweight in that linen4:42fabrication this would also be super4:43cute opened as a swimsuit cover up or a4:46little white tank underneath but again4:48rails does it so well and that sleeve is4:50going to look very similar to the one4:52I'm wearing here just a little bit4:54longer so if you don't love showing all4:56of your arms this um silhouette is going4:59to be an awesome shape for you um to get5:01a little bit of arm coverage another5:02rails one that I think is amazing number5:05one from the print I'm obsessed with5:06this like tiedye eye cap print so5:10gorgeous feels like summer again that5:12really beautiful flutter sleeves was5:13giving you a little bit of coverage but5:14you're staying really cool this will be5:17gorgeous with jeans cut offs like oh5:19we're going to talk about these5:20beautiful little babies from a Goldie5:23how fun is that look little black Burke5:26you're totally set to go but this is5:27from rails it almost reminds me5:29fireworks in the best way um this is the5:33Alina top but really really beautiful5:35from5:36rails all right then another just fun5:38easy button down winner from rails great5:42little stripe this is the ren shirt5:44beautiful beautiful colors I love the5:46idea of this again I'm going to summer5:49uniform a little bit my a Goldie Parkers5:51paired back to this undone super5:53lightweight you get that coverage but5:55yet um still really lightweight you5:57could again unbutton this throw it over5:59tank top and you're set to go all right6:02just wanted to flash these to you guys6:04are like bestselling frame teas that6:06we've had over the last couple of years6:08we just got back in these great little6:09cores in the white and the black you're6:12going to want to buy true to size on6:13these these fit incredible and I think6:15they just do the best job of like6:16showing the right amount of skin um so6:19you don't have like too much exposed but6:22you also have some great coverage but6:24these are incredible definitely worth6:25getting your hands on all right let's6:27talk about these Parkers this is the6:29Parker long I think Parker long short6:32from aold this is a new color with is6:33this really beautiful cleaner light wash6:37okay as somebody who has strong legs a6:40strong6:41booty these are the shorts for you okay6:44they give you room all throughout the6:46thigh I don't feel like they ride up I6:48don't know if that H happens to any of6:49you you know give a heart if it does6:52like where they ride up on your like as6:53you're walking and you're like this is6:54so uncomfortable now I got like an6:56inverted V up straight to my lady Parts6:58like terrible so these stay in place7:01great length have all the room in the7:03butt hip and thigh you are going to wear7:05these for years they are going to start7:07to like mold to you I buy true to size7:09in these and in some of them I do size7:12up a size bigger just cuz I like my7:13denim shorts a little bit more casual7:16relaxed all7:19right if you love your white jeans if7:21you love your white short check out this7:23new Option from Paige and more of a7:25khaki color great transitional color7:27going into fall this is an incredible7:29fit I love that wide cuff it's got this7:32strong little like seaming down the7:34front super clean fits so many different7:37body types I don't even have the name of7:38here oh shoot the take fell off but this7:40is from Paige we'll make sure we put it7:41in the comments there these are7:43incredible I don't know if you guys know7:45this but Paige is designed by women so7:49all the seaming the cut the curving fits7:53a want woman's body beautifully I would7:55buy true to size in these so I'm in7:57between an eight and a 10 I'd probably7:58go with a 10 with these but the fabric8:00feels incredible but I'm loving this8:01like khaki color version as you8:04transition into fall coming out of8:05Summer you just want to refresh of your8:07white jeans this is a beautiful new8:09color um to get Ash can you talk about8:12your dress once oh my dress yes okay8:14this dress is amazing crew this is from8:16Sanctuary this is the Diana Surplus8:18dress I'm wearing a large I think it's8:21$128 I'm wearing it just as like an easy8:24little shift dress like this would be8:25perfect for work I'm thinking we have8:27our town days like parade outfit8:30easy breezy I don't love like ties8:32around my waist just a personal thing of8:35mine but if you love to accentuate your8:36waist it does come with a tie or you8:38could pair it back to another belt and8:40again style tip I love a knot versus a8:42bow cuz I just think it keeps it really8:44clean keeps your eye at your waist not8:46at the bow easy peasy and then it does8:50come with these like little tie Loops8:53right here and if you're not going to do8:54a tie I just cut these right off but how8:57cute is it right it's so so cute I'm8:59obsessed with the color it's kind of9:01like this blue gray which I think is9:02really beautiful in the summer and fresh9:04and you can do brown or black details9:06even though the buttons are a little bit9:08more black I think this would be9:09gorgeous with like a Browner tan sandle9:11okay last thing to talk to you guys9:13about because I will say this when you9:15see these on the hanger you might just9:17be like okay I'm moving on no these are9:19from Sanctuary these are worth talking9:21about these are the relaxed Rubble pants9:23so we've had this silhouette in previous9:26um Seasons this is that easy peasy pull9:29on pant it's not a sweatpant it's more9:31lightweight great little cargo these are9:34the sleepers in your closet that you are9:36going to grab over and over again if any9:38of you have that summer travel coming up9:40you're on an airplane you're in a car9:42that AC is blowing this is the pant you9:44need to grab for your little summer9:46travel and this great little wash black9:48great little um hit of olive green got9:52the jogger bottom so you're not messing9:53with any of the Hem you have this on you9:56grab your frame9:57tea you could just do great little soul10:01insuline cross body bag totally set to10:04go for travel and if you're like me and10:06you have 700 snacks and a first aid kit10:08and your sunscreen and every other10:10possible thing you or your kids may need10:12grab a grap tote and you're ready to10:15rock okay I feel like I'm Rusty on this10:18whole new arrival so thank you for10:19bearing with me as my words all Blended10:22together would like to know how tall you10:24are oh how tall I am great question I am10:26I'm going to say I'm 5'9 on a good10:28confident day but maybe maybe just 5'810:30in general when I'm being slumped over10:32on a Monday morning so 58 5'9 we'll kind10:35of go in there what if we did like 5810:36and a half that feels great that feels10:39great so that's how tall I am and10:41questions for the Jers are they true to10:43size yes for the sanctuary it's are the10:46joggers true to size and I would buy10:47true to size one of the reasons being is10:49because of the fabrication it does feel10:51more lightweight um so as you wear this10:54it's going to start to relax relax and I10:56almost want to I don't want to use the10:57word b out cuz that's not the right one10:59but it's Monday morning and I can't find11:00the words but they are going to start to11:02relax so I would buy true to size these11:03are sized um like extra small small11:06medium large extra large so I would do11:09true to size in these little relaxed11:10Rebel pants and then can you quick recap11:13the t-shirts that you just show yes okay11:16crew these are the frame what's the11:18official name these are the laid rise V11:21I think I was wearing the stripe version11:22a couple of weeks ago these are amazing11:26amazing Basics I'm thinking of all the11:28ladies to have a little bit larger chest11:30you get great neckline which elongates11:33the chest almost di minimizes the chest11:35a little bit um but it has such great11:38coverage you don't feel like you're11:39completely exposed easy little cap11:41sleeves you're not completely exposed11:43from the shoulder and the arm gives you11:44some coverage especially in this crazy11:46heat these are some core um Basics that11:49you for sure need to snag up um they're11:52just under 100 but we just got a restock11:55in the white and the black and it just11:56felt like yes you guys need to know11:58about these because they're great little11:59Basics um to kind of get you through the12:01rest of Summer and then would you say12:03the pig denim does it have any stretch o12:05the pige denim does it have any stretch12:07we're talking about this great little12:08khaki cuff obsessed I think Paige always12:11has a little bit of stretch these12:13definitely are sturdier so it has great12:15structure but yes it does has stretch12:17but when you put them on or you grab12:19them you're not going to feel like oh12:20it's like gum no they just are going to12:22mold and move with your body but they do12:24have some stretch in them yeah good12:26question okay crew happy happy middle of12:30July can't even believe it's here and12:33yeah go have a great day12:38[Music]

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