February Kickoff

Live Style: February Kickoff

This just in: spring IS coming and you'll be ready for it in new stripes, denim skirts, cool layers, trending accessories and more! Join Heidi as she rolls out all the right-now looks that'll have you skipping straight into spring.
Reissue Cargo Pant
Jones Rib Tank


Chiro Jacket



Rose Denim Skirt
Almost Friday Tee


Charli Vest



Sport Jersey Tee



Ever Perfect Tee



All Day Knit Denim Shacket



Dawson Blazer



Sirena SS Tee



Show Transcript
0:00[Music]0:04Go Happy live day everybody crazy this0:07is like real profession you can't see it0:11but there is a mic up here and we are so0:13hoping that this is going to help all0:15the audio ills despite my very loud0:18voice that I hear from time to time from0:20all of you so let us know if you can0:23hear me better this round because we are0:25trying something new and we hope this0:27solves the problem so here's the deal0:29gang0:30it's February 1st and if you thought0:32January was long just wait until0:34February because there's a whole extra0:35day in this month but we're going to0:36make the most of it all the brand new0:39fun0:40springish things are happening now I'm0:42not going to tell you to wear tank tops0:44and shorts right now because that's0:47crazy crazy crazy right but I am going0:49to help you figure out how to get0:51dressed for this transitional time some0:54fun things you might want to pack if you0:56get to go somewhere warm or even if you0:58live somewhere warm and and how to start1:00building that wardrobe for spring we're1:02going to start with what I'm wearing1:03right now so this is a jean that was1:05loved loved loved so very much we1:08brought it back in a brand new wash1:10sneak peek on a color that is going to1:13be so important for spring season this1:15powder blue wash is the color of denim1:19for spring and summer and in this brand1:21new pistola silhouette this is like a1:24nod to that Barrel leg it is a fabulous1:27Jean for those of you who are curious1:29ious about that curved shape but don't1:32want to go all in on that horseshoe1:34silhouette it's fun it's relaxed but1:37what I love about this particular Jean1:39the most is that it's still nipped in at1:41the waist so it gives you great shape1:43through your waist through your bum and1:46at that ankle length little sneak peek1:48of ankle now speaking of fun kind of1:51nods to Spring everybody needs a great1:55tea for the season now here's the deal1:57with spring we all love our teas we've1:59been stocking up of course you kind of2:01pull out those teas Every Spring and2:03Summer and you look at them you're like2:04uh do I need to refresh do I need to2:06refresh here's the deal with this season2:08the tea gets to be the star of the show2:11and we're having so much fun with it2:12when we're pairing it back to cool denim2:15some novelty bottoms I'm going to walk2:17you through some of those but if you're2:19going to buy one T-Shirt One t-shirt get2:22this one because guess what it's called2:24the perfect tea this is from every just2:26launched and I absolutely adore that2:28it's in Stripes which feels so fresh and2:30relevant for the season comes in this2:33great Navy and white stripe also comes2:34in this give me some vitamin D shot pink2:40and kind of this I don't know like2:42almost a coraly stripe it's so so fun2:45borders on neon but not too too crazy2:48this runs relaxed so I'm wearing an2:50extra small still feels relaxed on me I2:53gave it a little bit of a roll here and2:56a half tuck just to give some shape I do2:58think that is one of the most important3:00things about pairing with this more3:02dramatic denim is making sure that3:04you're still giving yourself a waist3:05giving yourself some shape a really easy3:07way to get into this is to pick3:09something that has a little bit more3:12structure to the top so that you don't3:14feel so overwhelmed top and bottom okay3:17so perfect tea got it on comes in two3:19colors so fun if you want to show a3:22little bit more skin or if you've been3:24working on those guns a winter and it's3:26time to get them out there and flashing3:28them here's the deal a tea newest3:30silhouette to hit that kind of t-shirt3:32World cross between a tea and a tank why3:36I love this shows off the shoulders but3:39still gives you just a little bit of3:40coverage on that arm so if you don't3:42want to go totally bare or if you just3:44hate the fuss and mus of a tank and3:46thinking about that bra strap this new3:48muscle tea is for you now this is from3:51Stateside fabulous fabulous new tea line3:54great Fabrications in Cotton really new3:58fresh Silhouettes they bring you move3:59forward without trying too hard so4:02really fun kind of contrast to what I'm4:03wearing now again just a little bit more4:05skin on this one also a really fun one4:08just to layer underneath pieces okay4:11Stripes clearly we are in a Stripes4:14cycle and I always say it wouldn't be4:16January and February if we didn't talk a4:18little bit about Stripes there's always4:20some sort of nautical is moment4:23happening but what's really fun as we4:25look to this upcoming season is thinking4:28about more of a coastal influence so I'm4:30looking at all of you who happen to live4:31by the beautiful ocean you are our4:34inspiration and stripes are a fabulous4:37way to start so starting with this great4:39little tea love love love this but let's4:41be real the weather right now kind of4:44perfect for sweatshirts it's what I want4:46to wear every single day and there are4:49so many fun sweatshirts that have just4:51landed I'm going to run through a couple4:53okay easy way to just nod in Stripes4:57this is from Michael Stars I love this4:59little dopamine hit of that fun rainbow5:02grounded in a Cream Drop shoulder so5:06easy to pair back to Denim look at how5:08fresh and fun this looks back to this5:10lighter wash denim from pistola really5:13great sweatshirt here true to size on5:15this one meant to be a little bit more5:16relaxed note the neckline is not super5:19super high this is one of the features5:21of the sweatshirt that I love it doesn't5:22choke you up so if you want to layer a5:25tea underneath this or even like say a5:27denim button down it would be easy to do5:30also this is a great bring me on5:32vacation sweatshirt not too heavy really5:35really easy to5:37layer okay love Day is coming up and if5:41like me you are either spending your day5:43working or perhaps like doing something5:46family oriented this is the perfect way5:49to celebrate without feeling too on the5:51nose so great little sweatshirt from5:53everie love this in this red stripe back5:56to cream and I think that cream again is5:58what makes it so so fun right it's not6:01that bright white so it doesn't feel6:03super Fourth of July instead it just6:05feels relevant right this Dorito detail6:08I love the ribbing here little tiny bit6:12of a lift in that shoulder which gives6:14it some great structure again this is6:16another one that's meant to be relaxed I6:18wore my true size in this one really6:20really fun from every only ours and then6:24if you really just want to go all in on6:26the nautical you cannot go wrong here to6:29me this is like6:31quintessential French Chic does everyone6:33see that when you look at this I mean it6:35is so cool right this is from fairity6:38fabulous boat knck now this is kind of a6:40cross between a sweatshirt and a t-shirt6:42so it's like a Swit we're going to call6:45it s so why I love it heavier than a tea6:49lighter than a sweatshirt really really6:52sophisticated silhouette with this great6:54Breton stripe across the chest pair of6:57this with great little Jean and then did6:59I I mentioned these super fun gold esper7:01drills which are so darn cute done and7:04done this kind of me screams like take7:06me on a trip plain ride I don't know7:08throw a jacket over this and you're done7:10and done really great way to usher in a7:12season but not worry about being7:14cold okay one more Super Fun stripe that7:18I had to show because this puppy is7:20selling like hot cakes and no surprise7:23it's from one of our favorite vendors7:25from Spanx super Chic in the most yummy7:30of yummy7:31Fabrics striped dress now why I love7:34this couple reasons the weight of it you7:37guys this is not a flimsy seethrough7:40cling to everything on your body type of7:42dress this is a skim the body has some7:46good structure to it so flattering and7:49so Chic and check out the detail I love7:52this side slit shows a little bit of7:54skin which I think in a maxi dress like7:57this is really important for proportion7:59so from Spanx absolutely adore this How8:02Great Is This Crew neckline little cap8:06sleeve Again full length with that great8:08little slit selling like crazy so if you8:11are at all attracted to this and frankly8:14who couldn't be get this one while you8:17can because it's going to go go8:19go okay it's layering season right we've8:23all are thinking about how to stay warm8:25how to feel put together but again also8:27thinking in our heads like oh I'm just8:29kind of ready for spring to come so8:31there's some really fun ways to8:33incorporate layers into your closet8:35without having to completely upend8:38everything so we're talking a little bit8:40about the Tea right and that that's that8:41foundation for your wardrobe I'm also8:44looking for fresh new ways to kind of8:46update my looks and so let's talk about8:50great new layers so I think the most fun8:53forward layer that is happening right8:55now is the vest and there's really cool8:58way ways to do it so starting with this9:02great stretch denim vest now here's the9:05deal with this guy this can be worn9:07alone nothing underneath no jacket over9:11sexy sexy date night look Nails it if9:16you are wondering about doing that denim9:18on denim this is a really easy way to do9:21it because it shows a lot of skin and9:23you don't feel so fully denim fully9:26denim okay so great way to do this now I9:28would take take this I put it with a9:30nice wide leg Jean pop on a heel and I'm9:34ready for date night now layering this9:36up another great option take this great9:38denim9:40vest a fabulous Blazer these two have so9:45much fun together and it suddenly9:47becomes more professional ditch the9:49jacket for date night but you can wear9:50that Blazer to work really really fun9:52way to do it pair it back to a jean if9:54you want or you could even do a great9:56little utility pant would look so Chic9:58with that10:00I also love this just popped over a10:02great YT10:04unbuttoned and again back to a pair of10:06jeans or if you're not ready for denim10:08on denim a really easy utility it's10:11stretchy it's flattering it's such a fun10:14piece absolutely one of my Home Run10:17Heroes for this month you will be10:20shocked at how much you wear this and10:21how easily this folds into your wardrobe10:24super super fun10:26piece okay another way to go these are10:29going to be a little bit more let's add10:31some Edge Let's Have Some Fun black Moto10:35great little vest denim vest now two10:38things I wanted to show both these at10:39the same time because what I want you to10:41notice about both of these a little bit10:44relaxed little bit oversized whole lot10:47of attitude so questions on how to wear10:50this well again both of these to me are10:52so easy to wear for date night pop them10:54on over a tank with a great little Jean10:57or utility pant good to go one of my11:01favorite tanks that I think is easy easy11:03to wear underneath is the LNA now you11:05might remember we've had versions of11:08this in a long saeve t-shirt this fall11:10it's back in a tank and it is so so good11:12this is the Jones tank this will become11:15your staple what I love about this is11:17the fabric it's double lined so it is11:20not sheer fits like an absolute glove11:24and it's so Chic underneath right so11:27that's an easy way in right slip a11:28little tank underneath wear one of these11:30great little Moto and then pop on a11:33utility now there's a really fun way to11:36style these as we get into warmer11:38weather and that is taking either one of11:40these and wearing them over a dress that11:42might be one of my favorite ways to11:44style this it adds Edge to any sundress11:47looks fabulous for date night little11:50unexpected twist and oh so fun really11:54really great would you recommend your11:55true size in this spanks dress yes I11:58would wear my true size in the F stress11:59tried it on felt really good in my true12:02size for sure yes here's a little tip12:04gang I would also say about that12:06fabulous F stress if an all over stripe12:10head to toe feels like a lot and if it12:13just feels like it's overwhelming you12:14especially I think for those of us who12:16are you know a little bit more12:18vertically challenged take a denim shirt12:21easiest most versatile piece in your12:23closet tie it around your waist to break12:25it up now here is the deal I'm going to12:27tell you a little tip about that denim12:28shirt around on the waist trick make12:30sure when you're tying it around your12:31waist that shirt is all the way buttoned12:33up because if it's not it's going to12:34flare out and it's going to end up being12:36really wide on your backside so treat it12:38almost like a jacket have it all the way12:39buttoned up fold it over once tie it12:42around your waist it'll help break up12:43the top and bottom as well as the back12:46side and just gives you a little bit12:48more shape if that head to toe stripe12:50feels a little12:51overwhelming okay so got to get a vest12:54because they're amazing we've talked12:56about Stripes including that great12:58sweatshirt13:00let's talk about some of the new layers13:02that I'm just loving right now and that13:03really gang is the Blazer so I flashed13:07this fabulous great railroad stripe bler13:11why I love this it's grounded in a13:13warmer cream so it doesn't feel too13:15spring forward so that makes it really13:17easy to wear now the neutral Navy on13:20this works fabulous with denim it's so13:23so great to13:24wear really nice length on this one too13:28so it's not super overwhelming in the13:30silhouette and then that great light13:32horn button really helps it feel13:33finished again this paired back to that13:37great little denim vest such a great13:39combination but also could not be easier13:43paired back to just a simple tea in a13:45jean this is my uniform of life when I13:48am doubting what to wear when I am13:50standing in my closet half dressed with13:52a pile of clothes next to me it happens13:54to all of us some mornings for sure when13:57and doubt the first thing I grabb13:59t-shirt Blazer jeans it is my absolute14:02go-to and on days when I don't feel put14:05together turns things around in a Flash14:07it's also my travel uniform is what I14:09wear almost every time I'm on a long14:12flight to La when I go there almost14:13every month Blazer tea Jean so so easy14:17to put together so love this and that14:19pop of fresh white underneath that14:21really great neutrally cream feels so14:22fun this t-shirt gang is from Cuts it's14:25another really fantastic tea that I14:28think everyone needs to give a great try14:31lots of Bounce in this Fabric and really14:33really soft and you'll notice it's not14:35crazy oversized so it's an easy one to14:37half tuck full tuck and the sleeve isn't14:40super wide so easy to slip on under a14:42jacket would you be able to try on that14:44blazer for14:46sure for sure I'm going to take this te14:48CU I think this under it's going to look14:50kind of crazy right we're going to look14:51crazy and I have a tank on so look at14:53that14:55hooray okay so let's talk about some of14:58these fun14:59layers all right this is from15:02E not lying I know that's always a15:04question really really soft cotton so15:06easy one it's not scratchy not15:08itchy I like that it's not line because15:10it helps it feel a little bit more15:13relaxed okay so this is a small15:16gang little arm squh here right to give15:20it some attitude it's got a small15:23shoulder pad which I think I have it all15:25screwed up in here yep straightened up15:26okay so to give it just a little little15:28bit of structure so easy you can see15:31it's got a little bit longer length on15:33this one which I think helps it feel15:34really polished I mean Done Right tank15:37jeans Blazer done so another way to go15:40Blazer which I think is so fun is this15:42guy now what I love love love about this15:45jacket is that it looks serious but it's15:47not at all that double breasted15:49silhouette is meant to be relaxed and15:51open don't worry about feeling like you15:53always have to have this closed and this15:55great neutral so fun shades of kind of a15:58taupe and a brown again grounded in a16:00little bit brighter white makes this an16:02easy one to wear with just about16:04anything pop it against a light denim16:06wear it back to a fabulous utility also16:10would look great16:12even back to black which I absolutely16:16love that kind of dresses it up a little16:17bit this is from Cut brand new denim16:21skirt this is another really fun option16:24that you can grab in place of what16:27you're wearing is like a full link denim16:29usherin spring with a little bit more of16:32a bare-legged silhouette so this is16:33really front from Cut grab this one lots16:36of stretch in this one if you haven't16:37tried it really really great and then16:40last but not least and this is probably16:42my favorite favorite Blazer and I'm16:44going to pop it on so you guys can see16:45it is the Dawson blazer from ever so now16:48if you have not captured it or seen it16:51yet our February catalog is right around16:55the corner and this is on the front16:57cover and gang this Blazer is so so good17:02so here's the17:03deal Navy which in my opinion humble17:08humble opinion Navy is the New Black for17:10spring right so many great ways to do17:13Navy but what I adore about this is the17:17incredible versatility of this Blazer so17:20here's the deal it comes with this great17:22little zipin hoodie Dicky okay looks17:25like a little striped sweater how cute17:26is that easy breasy leaving it open this17:30sticky is removable so now you've got a17:34clean simple super stretchy and easy to17:38wear Navy Blazer on its own you can also17:42uhoh you can also fully zip this guy17:46which gives it a completely different17:48look too right so now it looks like I've17:50got this fullon sweater layered17:51underneath my blazer so darn cute this17:56is exactly how I'd wear it back to to17:58Denim with this little esur if you want18:00to go a little bit more casual grab18:02yourself a little sneaker this is brand18:04new from p448 with this hit of denim on18:07the back which I think is absolutely18:09adorable or you can also bring in some18:11great metallic another fun trend for18:14spring in the18:16p448 so absolutely hands down if I was18:20going to buy one Blazer this season this18:22would be it for sure love love love the18:25Dawson and again it's the stretch that18:27got me in the DOR this one it's so so18:30comfortable and the versatility is a18:33right up there second because you can18:35wear it so many18:38ways okay let's talk about bottoms for18:40just a second because obviously we're18:43loving this great Trend that's happening18:45in denim which is a little bit more18:46relaxed has some kind of statement18:48details to it whether it's a wash or a18:50fit there's also some really cool stuff18:53going on in non denim bottoms and18:55alternative Silhouettes so the utility18:58pant without a doubt for me is a staple19:01so there are just days when I don't want19:02to wear denim or frankly I'm wearing a19:05denim shirt I'm wearing a denim jacket19:07or a vest and I want something to break19:09up that denim on denim look utility is19:11what I reach for every time this has19:13been a staple in my closet for at least19:1510 years and I just keep looking for new19:18iterations this Sanctuary reissue cargo19:21is absolutely a fun one to get into your19:23closet because it's versatile so here is19:26the deal on this one you get some fun19:28utility details with that little draw19:31tape here full zip button fly cargo19:35detail on the side but it's not huge and19:38it's not heavy so it doesn't add weight19:40but what I love about this pant the most19:42is that you can dress it up because it19:44is more of a wide leg so not having that19:47jogger bottom makes it feel modern fresh19:50and new it comes in this fantastic green19:53but I'm kind of obsessed with this white19:55which I think is so so fun this just19:58screams bring me to summer I think this20:01guy runs generous so I actually went20:03down a size in this one and it still20:06felt relaxed for me but a really really20:09fun way to update your closet and again20:12it becomes kind of your denim20:14alternative but equally comly com comfy20:18not comfy equally comfy and fun to20:21wear and I flashed that great cut skirt20:24I had to flash another version of a20:27denim skirt gang this is from good20:29American here is why this is your like20:32absolute hero denim skirt stretch20:35stretch stretch if you caught my live a20:38few weeks ago when I had all of my20:40girlfriends on here and we were talking20:41about different denim fits Stacy was20:43wearing a pistola skirt she looked20:46fabulous in it the good American just20:48hit we love this one just as much and20:50again to me this one is all about the20:53great stretch through the waistband20:55through the hips and thighs and that20:57front lit makes it really easy to wear21:01even if you have shorter legs so must21:03must have and how to wear this great21:05little blazer pair it with a sweatshirt21:07and a sneaker crazy crazy21:11versatile okay gang I mean it's February21:14let's make the most of it and have some21:16fun Stripes sweatshirts great tanks and21:19teas you cannot get enough of and of21:22course that unsung hero the Blazer that21:25has to go into every closet and will21:27become your new favorite layer this21:30month I promise hope this gave you some21:33great ideas and we will see you21:40soon

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