Now Styling Baseball Season

Live Style: Now Styling Baseball Season

Whether it's one game or an entire weekend tourney (saint), Heidi is here with put-together looks to keep you comfy and cool. We're talking shorts, tanks, sunnies, bags, the cutest baseball hats, and sandals or sneaks you can walk in all day.
Jones Rib Tank


574 Sneaker
Girlfriend V Neck Tee



Sage Tank



Millie Knit Dress
Sarina V Neck Tank


AirEssentials Crew


Show Transcript
0:01oh my goodness good morning good morning0:03G we are in a new location this morning0:06trying out something new if you happen0:09to be in one of our newest remodeled or0:14open stores across the country it's0:16going to look a lot like this store and0:19we wanted to take the opportunity to0:21show off some of our latest and greatest0:24designs so here I am new location new0:27day and we are talking about something0:28that I know is very near and dear to my0:31heart today but I am guessing very real0:35for many of you and that is baseball0:38weekends now I'm going to let you0:40lacrosse folks I'm going to let you0:43soccer folks come on in and join the0:46love because this is travel Sports0:49season and if you are like me you are0:51spending a whole bunch of time sitting0:53on the sidelines cheering on one two0:57three four five of your kiddos1:00and you know what let's look cute for it1:03so I've got a bunch of ideas on what to1:05wear not only for those great games but1:08even if you are heading out of town to1:10one of those glamorous small town cities1:14and you need a wardrobe to go with it so1:15we're going to start off with what I1:17consider to be my staple look so one of1:19the women that's here on our crew was1:22saying gosh you never know what the1:23weather is going to bring and isn't that1:24the truth so I'm always looking for a1:25great layer but then something1:27lightweight underneath so here is the1:29deal do not ever plan for a game without1:34your Parker short so this is the Parker1:36long from a Goldie my hands down1:39favorite cut off out there no question1:42about it one of the reasons I love it a1:43little bit longer second reason I love1:45it a little bit more relaxed so it1:47doesn't squeeze your legs now longer1:50shorts are a thing this season no doubt1:54I love these because if it's kind of hot1:57out these don't get you overheated2:00they're really flattering and really2:02comfortable no stretch on these guys but2:05gang they are meant to be again more2:07relaxed keyword there so really easy to2:09wear I am wearing my normal size in2:11these they do stretch a little bit so2:13keep that in mind pairing it back to my2:15favorite tank this is the LNA tank you2:18know this the Jones we love this so much2:22and here's the reason why it is perfect2:25for your kiddos games and okay if you2:28happen to be lucky enough to be going to2:30a professional game this works for that2:31too look at all the colors find your2:34team color and just go bananas two weeks2:39ago my youngest had a tournament there2:42was a mom on the team who literally wore2:44one of these in a different color every2:46single day with a pair of cut offs2:48couldn't have looked cuter this is a2:49great tank because of that double layer2:51it's ribbed flattering true to size and2:54so so easy to wear now here's the deal2:58sorry gang hey hanging up okay here's3:01the deal with making a shorts and tank3:03look a little bit more elevated it's all3:06about the accessories so grab yourself a3:07great belt casual easy I love this woven3:10belt has a high summer kind of feel to3:13it with that little hit of leather and3:14then of course did you think I was going3:16to send you to a torney without a pair3:18of Burks wrong everybody needs a great3:22Burk bring on that Burk handline I've3:24already got mine rocking pretty funny3:27but I love this Madrid single strap3:29super super comfy and I think a little3:31bit more elevated than that double strap3:33Arizona style which I still of course am3:36a huge fan of but this one's kind of3:38nice little bit more personality3:41okay do we talk about the layer because3:44if we didn't let's talk about it3:45everybody needs a great sweatshirt I was3:47at a game last night temperature dripped3:50we're out of the Sun and suddenly it is3:52cold and I'm wishing for my puffer wish3:55I would have had this sweatshirt it3:56would have been the perfect thing this3:57is from Spanx you know this guy you love4:00this guy little bit more relaxed back in4:03stock in the stripe which is so4:05fantastic soft as butter but also comes4:09in great solids so get your black get4:12your white get your gray white for maybe4:15a less like you know Dusty day I don't4:17know about you guys but when I'm out4:19those tournaments after a long long day4:21I find that I get in the shower and I'm4:23just rinsing red dust off my legs gray4:27is perfect for that hides all the Sims4:29as does black so so fun okay other great4:34ideas on what to wear so I'm always4:37thinking about mix and match pieces4:39again especially if we are traveling out4:40of town and one of the things that4:43happens no doubt about it when you are4:45at attorney is there some sort of team4:48dinner team lunch and you want to get4:50out of that Grime kind of I've been4:53sitting all day in the sun in this tank4:55situation I want a top that's a little4:58bit more elevated so5:00I always pack just an easy breezy woven5:03top something that isn't too dressed up5:05still can be worn back to my cut offs if5:06I want but nice and relaxed so couple5:09options here go denim denim on denim5:12such a fun combination I know that we5:14are finally into it and it is so darn5:17great I love a good tank for those hot5:20hot weather days I'm thinking about all5:22of you in the South that I know sit in5:23your tense to hide yourself in the shade5:26but that team dinner great little tank5:29here glastic sized waistband so a really5:31easy fit and bra friendly also the5:34straps are adjustable so really can kind5:36of let hit wherever you need to on the5:38bus line brand new just came in from5:42cloth and stone this is such a winner in5:44this great washdown chamber Notch collar5:48I love that this has a little bit of a5:50sleeve so if you are just sunned out or5:53you're sitting in a really air5:54conditioned restaurant this is a really5:56fantastic option I love this pleading in5:59the back gives a little bit of shape6:01really fun and flattering and then last6:03but not least hot hot hot and Breezy6:07Breezy Breezy this top is from Stateside6:11now why I love this number one you don't6:13have to tuck it number two it's a poplin6:15but it's a really washed down6:17lightweight poplin and this great little6:19twist in the front is so flattering and6:22so fun and in this Chic Navy an easy one6:26to pop on again back to a pair of C offs6:29and your out the6:31door okay what if you are craving just a6:34little bit more coverage on those6:37shoulders or you just feel more6:39comfortable in a tea I've got the6:41perfect one for you this is from Z6:44Supply this is the girlfriend v-neck I6:47has a girlfriend v-neck why do they call6:48it that because it's kind of oversized6:51but not crazy oversized the way a6:52boyfriend v-neck would be I love this6:56v-necks are gring especially if you6:58carry a little bit more curve on the top7:01V really opens up your neckline so7:03flattering comes in this great Navy and7:05white stripe and then of course all your7:07neutrals white black and then this great7:11really Pencil Thin gray in white stripe7:14which I think is so fantastic so this is7:16a stock up item for sure and the price7:18can't be beat7:20$46 get more than one you will live live7:23live in7:25this okay we talked about that fabulous7:29tank from from LNA I love it this blue7:31is brand new so is that fun cherry red7:35but what if you're looking for something7:36that has a little bit more ease to it7:39that is why I'm loving all these7:40fabulous tanks that just came in from7:43ever the world is your oyster gang so7:47look at this great little coral and7:49white stripe I love this Popa pink kind7:51of has that Baja Beach kind of Cali vibe7:55to it really fun version this brings me7:59back to my op days does everyone8:01remember that brand from like way back8:02in the day feels like that so cool so8:05fun and I love it again back to a great8:08cut off if you're looking for a tie dye8:10which is absolutely on point for this8:12season this is a great way to do it and8:14if like me some of your team colors are8:17black gray and white and you are so sick8:18of wearing a white T-shirt this is a fun8:20way to do it or add a little pop of neon8:24still happening in a big way this is so8:26cute look at the taping on that and that8:28neon with that little hit of stripe down8:30the front such a great way to bring in a8:32little bit of8:35color Okay so we're living in our shorts8:37right we love our Parker along such a8:40comfortable short to wear so so easy8:43I've got a couple other short options8:45for you to try out now here's the deal8:49petite shorter legs you just feel more8:53comfortable in a slightly shorter inseam8:55I've got some great options for you the8:57Parker short is a really good version of8:59this I love this one because it's a9:01little bit more destructed cut from the9:04cloth the Jane short is so fantastic if9:08you're looking for short with a little9:10bit more stretch the Jane is the answer9:14now what I love about this is here's the9:16backside gang so great lots and lots of9:19stretch in this one similar length to9:22the Parker long but that stretch makes9:24all the difference in the world so if9:27you want stretch in your cut off I9:29suggest to Jane if you want a more9:31vintage look then I would go with the9:33Parker from a Goldie can't go wrong9:36either9:37way now if you're looking for something9:39that maybe is a little bit more sporty9:42really really fun options if you just9:44want an alternate to a cut off so maybe9:46day one you're wearing the cut off then9:48day two you want to change into a9:49different short we've got some really9:51fun stretch easy breezy comfortable9:54options first from Sanctuary I love a9:57good utility short this is the season of9:59shorts so many ways to make them Chic10:02this is a fabulous one again because of10:04the stretch and I think that tailoring10:06just gives it a little bit more10:09elevation hands down one of my favorites10:11this is from everie it is a pullon short10:15looks like denim feels like a knit10:17drawring waist so comfy so easy and what10:21I think is fantastic about the detail on10:23this is that great little pocket on the10:26back does not allow for that runon10:29sentence you know that is one of my10:30biggest pet peas when it comes to10:31Bottoms I want something that breaks it10:34up this guy does it and gives you some10:36automatic10:37curve if you want something a little bit10:40more say sporty couple options here from10:43vley and from spank so little bit wider10:47waistband on this one the fabric is a10:49dream so really really lightweight easy10:52breezy goes back to any of the tanks or10:54te's we talked about it you can do it10:56from vley in the short or you can do it10:59from Spanx in this fabulous fabulous11:01bottom light as air gang so if you want11:04a little bit more coverage on bottom I11:06would go with a pant question would you11:10go down in size for the sanctuary short11:12do they really stretch out no they11:14stretch out and I would wear my true11:15size in those for sure great question11:17the short everyone that just got asked11:20about is this great little short from11:22Sanctuary it does have stretch in it but11:24it doesn't stretch out so true to size11:26in this one one more yeah the on11:30the11:34yes y really similar to The Parker11:37longing so what's really nice I'd say11:40about this pull-on elasticize short is11:43that you can kind of adjust where it11:44hits on your hips but this is going to11:46be a slightly longer short very similar11:50to The Parker11:52long okay I would be insane if I didn't11:56tell you the one thing that I wear no11:58matter what but every baseball tney at12:01least once a week when I'm going to12:02games and that is a fabulous sporty12:05dress so here is the deal gang two great12:09dresses some of my absolute favorites12:11this one just came in this is the Millie12:14dress we sold it almost to the piece in12:17this bright blue we just got it back in12:19in this black and cream stripe love love12:23love the silhouette it is inspired by12:25one of our best-selling tanks made into12:27a dress in a rib fabric ation skims the12:31body not tight on the body so so12:33flattering absolutely adore this and12:35check it out everybody needs a pair of12:37sunnies lepcs I love this in this little12:40neutral clear such a fun piece second12:43dress that I love Varley oh this dress12:46is so good gang I snagged this a minute12:49I saw it come in this one a little bit12:51more shape I'd say than the mil so just12:54a touch more not tight but a little bit12:57more shape to it and just a tiny tiny12:59bit shorter Ash wore this when I was13:01recording a video with her not that long13:03ago she looked so cute in it this is the13:06Ultimate Sports mom dress you're going13:09to live in this great with a little13:11sweatshirt over it pop on a denim jacket13:14goes to dinner like a breeze pair with a13:17pair of Burks or a sneaker and you are13:18done and out the door have two more yes13:22okay first yes are the stripes on your13:24sweater are they black or are they Navy13:26these13:27are that's an excellent question13:29question black black right black wait13:32let's see let's compare it to something13:35black black and then the second was13:38recommendation for denim skirt oh okay13:40great recommendation for denim skirt13:42okay this is a really fun skirt from13:44rails there's two that I have in my head13:46I love this one from rails because of13:48all the stretch so really fun one with13:52some of that utility pocket detail such13:54a great easy one to wear and a fun swap13:56out gang for a short13:59the other skirt that I love love love I14:01don't have it here but you can see it on14:03the site is from Cut we just got it in14:06utility details raw hem so kind of the14:09same Spirit I'd say as some of the cut14:12offs that we're showing be it the Parker14:13or the Jane very similar in length to14:17the Parker so a little bit longer than14:19this rail skirt really fun one though I14:22like this one because of the stretch14:24makes it so easy to14:27wear okay last but not least let's talk14:30a little bit about those accessories so14:33when you're packing for a long weekend14:35you're looking for easy pieces to wear14:37you know that I'm going to tell you of14:39course you got to wear a burke so be it14:41the Burk that I have on or the Arizona14:44or the Giza the Giza is the one with14:46that through the toe the Arizona is the14:48double strap these have become some my14:50absolute go-to mus have sandals of the14:55season I like them for the elevation I14:57love them for the comfort comfort and14:59they are so easy to pair back to15:02anything you are wearing casual but15:05gives it a little bit of I don't know15:06personality and Edge now if you're15:08looking for something with a little bit15:10more coverage on the foot and or again15:13thinking about dinner and where you're15:15headed after the game this is where I15:17think a great sneaker comes in brand new15:20kind of quart silhouette from p448 got15:23to bring this one up close because of15:24all the detail love that silver hit love15:27that curve here so it's taking that kind15:29of masculine quart silhouette and making15:32it just a touch more feminine really fun15:36great option to wear this would be15:38darling back to that rail skirt I mean15:41how cute is that now if you are looking15:43for something that's truly truly like on15:46the nose sporty that's where New Balance15:48comes into play so a couple great15:50options here this is a fun one if your15:52team colors happen to be green or you15:54can do something just a little bit more15:56neutral I love this it feels like a nice15:58compliment to that Birkenstock in16:02brown and last but not least because you16:04know we got to talk about it and I wish16:06you guys could see this amazing crew16:08that's here with me today because they16:09are rocking these hats like nobody's16:12business everybody needs a great hat now16:15you can wear your kids Team hat I know16:18but aren't these so much cuter cuz they16:21are okay so from 47 Brand so many great16:25options I love this this is like my16:27savior on a Saturday morning when I'm16:29out running about really helps me feel16:32put together and covers up maybe a16:33sweaty head workout hair day this blue16:36we just got in are you seeing a theme16:39with all this Cobalt that's popping16:41great neutral in the Yankees and then of16:44course a really fun La camo option which16:47just goes with everything16:49question you remind16:51themar yes yes and yes okay gang so I am16:55wearing the Parker long do they run TR16:58the size yes yes here's the deal I've17:00always bought my normal denim size in17:02these because I think they stretch17:05out this season I have these from last17:08year this season I'm kind of gravitating17:11towards going actually up a size because17:14I want them to be a little bit more17:17relaxed so I think it depends on how you17:20want them to fit if you want a slightly17:21more tailored fit knowing that they're17:23going to relax Just a Touch normal size17:26if you want something that is just17:27relaxed out of the gate and relaxes even17:29more with time go up a size done and17:34done okay gang let's get to the fields17:36we've got all these games coming up I17:39know you are living your best life17:41cheering on all those kiddos who are17:44just chalking full your weekends hope17:47this gave you some great ideas and we17:49will see you soon take care

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