Everyday MVPs

Live Style: Everyday MVPs

Heidi's kicking off a new season with a bumper crop of daily go-to pieces: tanks and tees with extra attention to figure-flattering detail, hoodies and pullovers for those light-layer days, dresses, denim and (ready for it?) sandals...all with trending touches so you're right-now ready. Check it out and grab your new MVPs!
Amanda Boxy Jacket



Jones Rib Tank


Gwen Slice Shirt



Ever Perfect Tee



Baylor Corset Sweatshirt



Callie Dress



Robyn Jacket



Softest Fleece Hoodie



Knit Snap Dress
Knit Snap Dress



Modern Slub Tee


Nina Seamless V-Neck Tank


Show Transcript
0:02he hey everybody happy live day okay0:06here we go it is February this is kind0:09of like this is our pre-season right0:12this is our warmup this is when we're0:13really starting to think about how we're0:16going to get that spring closet up to0:18speed and I think one of the best ways0:22to start building your wardrobe and0:24getting that refresh in is to look at0:26all of those Essentials column Basics0:29column core column capsule I don't know0:32doesn't matter what you call it what it0:34really is are the pieces you're going to0:36wear again and again and again to become0:39those back of the chair items that0:41become the pieces that you just put on0:44over and over because they just work are0:47so versatile and so fantastic So today0:50we're going to run through some of my0:52absolute favorites for a spring season0:55and don't worry this is not going to be0:59boring1:00there is always a little bit of an eve1:02twist in every one of these pieces to1:05usher in this super fun everyday icon1:08Trend so here we go we're going to start1:11with what everybody needs to get their1:13denim closet up to speed a great cuffed1:16Jean you know this Jean we've had this1:19Jean in another wash and now in this1:21amazing powder blue wash it is the one1:24you got to get on your body this is the1:27Fran from a Goldie what do you need to1:29know about this one well number one it's1:31a relaxed fit and number two it runs1:33generous we are sizing down in this one1:36I went down a full size and yes still is1:39relaxed and easy on me it comes precued1:43which is a huge win it holds its cuff1:46super easy when I wash this Jean I even1:49wash it with a cuff let it dry with a1:51cuff super super fun so great one1:54because it works for a multitude of body1:56types I love it for tall I love it for1:58petite curvy and and straight it's a2:01no-brainer kind of like your new2:03boyfriend fit now if you are long-legged2:05which many of you are I'm thinking of my2:07friend Dylan who was on live with me a2:09couple weeks ago here is a really fun2:11alternative now the difference here2:14cuffed Jean as well still in that2:16fabulous powder blue wash but full2:19length so you're going to get that cool2:21cuff all the way down to the bottom so2:24for those of you who have been begging2:26pleading demanding fairly so a full2:30length Jean this is the one for you I'll2:32give you the name of this guy this is2:36the Dana highrise wide leg and again2:38with that great little cuff on the2:40bottom a really cool way to bring this2:42trend in as well as that relaxed fit2:46now if you are looking for something2:48with some good old stretch then cut is2:53your answer another great one again2:56pre-cued makes it so so easy you know2:59where it needs needs to hit and also in3:02that lighter wash you're going to notice3:03this lighter almost powdery blue denim3:08wash is happening in a really big way3:10right now it's a fun way to kind of3:12Nodge your spring season even when we're3:14still a little bit covered up cuz that3:15weather is all over the place this as3:18you know favorites fit this is the Meg3:21we just keep bringing it back in New3:24Killer Silhouettes this is your wardrobe3:28hero for sure again lots of stretch in3:31this one so if you like a gene with3:32stretch or if you are just a loyal Meg3:34fan this is a really fun way to get in3:36that great cuff3:38Jean what are we pairing it with well3:40we're going to pair it with a fabulous3:42sweatshirt so I had to grab this one3:44because there is a difference between a3:46core basic nothing going on sweatshirt3:49and something with a little personality3:52and this corset sweatshirt does it for3:54you so this has been a thing that's been3:55happening out there and it can go really3:57extreme really Kardashian really fast4:01what's so fun about this is that we've4:02taken that Trend and we've modified it4:04to make it flattering easy and fun so4:08little bit of seaming here slightly4:10shorter length notice not cropped but4:13shorter so you're really going to get4:15that great waist detail crew neckline a4:18little bit more of a relaxed sleeve but4:20not oversized so a sweatshirt that gives4:22you shape uh sign me up I am here for it4:27love this and it's in a little bit of4:28just a slightly w on black so dare I say4:31even borders a little bit on night out4:33yeah you can wear this for night out4:35yeah like you're just going grabbing4:37like dinner in a movie look cute but be4:39comfy why not okay other really fun4:41options for sweatshirts there's lots of4:43ways in on this one one of my favorite4:46trends of course that's been happening4:47and that I think is an absolute4:49essential is a hooded sweatshirt so4:51here's the deal if you're like me you4:54walk down the street you see all the4:55teens everyone's wearing their Nike4:57hoodie right I'm here for it I love4:58myself a good Nike Nik hoodie but I want5:00a grownup version and I want the version5:02my kids are not wearing even if I borrow5:04it sometimes on the weekend so I'm going5:06to grab something that's soft has a5:08little bit of drape and some elevated5:10detail so from Stateside brand new5:13sweatshirt just came in two colors what5:17makes this a step up from your normal5:19hooded sweatshirt well let's talk about5:21that great taping detail I love the grow5:23grain ribbon that you have on the5:25neckline instead of that like classic5:28pole I think this notches it up just a5:31bit the split neck I'm going to show you5:33it actually in the way it's a little5:34easier to see the detail the split neck5:36here is a really fun I just think5:40elevates it kind of moment that's5:42happening not such a cinched bottom so a5:45little bit more relaxed in the bottom5:46which I love that cuz you can easily do5:48a half tuck or let your button down or5:50t-shirt hang out of it and the fabric5:54has a nice weight and drape and bounce5:57to it so it doesn't have that stiff my6:00hood is taking over my neck and my head6:02moment going on two colors easy to layer6:06under or over I love taking a hoodie6:08like this and popping it underneath a6:10little jacket this is absolutely one of6:12my favorites going to pop it on just so6:14you can see it because I'm also going to6:15talk through some of the fun ways you6:17can layer this and why this is such a6:18staple So speaking of which staple6:22fabulous fabulous tank top if you're6:24looking for a great layering tank this6:27guy can be your answer for sure6:30why I love it well the ribbing is really6:32fun gives a little bit of texture and6:34interest comes in white and black that6:36v-neck is great and adjustable straps so6:40hard to find a really good Cami that has6:41a deep V so if you're wearing this6:43underneath a button down or you want to6:45wear it underneath a like a v-neck6:47sweater you just want one more layer a6:49little bit of texture this is a great6:51one to pop up okay so State Side6:53sweatshirt yummers true to size on this6:56one you can see that this is not so so6:58tight take the little strings here that7:03have that great detail which I love love7:05love little cinch adjust it easy easy7:09breezy and not so weighty so you see the7:11difference between this and what we're7:12seeing the kids wear I love the kids7:15kids are amazing they make me crazy like7:18yesterday when I had to pick up two kids7:20because they were7:21both sick we using thats it little sick7:26managed to watch a lot of movies while7:27they were home yesterday7:30that was their day that was their7:31Journey they had to go on everyone's7:33back today back at it so here we go7:35fabulous fabulous sweatshirt love this7:37so taking the same idea gang giving7:40yourself a little bit of novelty and7:41interest so great little hoodie but7:43maybe here with a stripe this is from7:46ever this guy's got a little bit more7:49weight to it a little bit more volume so7:52if you are looking for that I need7:54something cozy sweatshirt but I don't7:57want to look like I'm wearing pajamas8:00this is your answer why I love this8:02takes in that really fun spring Trend8:06graphic in black and white that patch8:08pocket and a contrast detail so great8:11and really really quality make excellent8:14excellent product here if you want a8:16sweatshirt that isn't a hoodie my8:19suggestion here grab something with some8:21detail so we had that fabulous it's on8:23the floor putting it on the floor have8:25that fabulous corset sweatshirt that I8:26was wearing earlier great detail on that8:28one also just got this brand new from8:30everie has this really fun eraser stripe8:33down the side again another way to bring8:35some interest and Novelty to that great8:38little cuff Jean such a fun one and this8:42is also really nice because it's a8:44little bit lighter weight so I'm8:45thinking of those of you that are8:47traveling that live in warmer states8:48that are looking for something that8:50keeps you warm but isn't so so heavy8:53that fabulous sweatshirt from ever is8:55your ticket okay so we were talking8:57about taking a sweatshirt layering it up8:59so there's kind of two ways that9:00layering is happening right now both so9:03important to how you're getting dressed9:05the first is that underpinning so talked9:08about again really quick flash that9:10great little Cami that I'm wearing this9:11is a must get it in white and black will9:14become a staple for sure the other thing9:16that we're seeing a ton of is thinking9:18about crew necks hoodies button Downs9:22sweaters all the pieces and you want9:24just a little bit of tea poking out9:27underneath also for in between season9:29which is where we are right now when9:31it's warm during the day cool at night9:33cool in the morning hot in the afternoon9:35you need pieces you can push and pull on9:37so we're going to take some of our9:39favorite layers walk through them just9:42came in screamed a little bit when I saw9:45this because we had a version of this a9:46few years ago from Z Supply I finally9:49had to get rid of it cuz I wore it to9:50death and now it's back the fabric is9:52what makes this t-shirt so incredible so9:56slub fabric so if you're looking for a9:58more casual tea this versus say the cuts10:01tea this guy's going to lean more casual10:05slightly shorter length so I love this10:07for my higher rice pants I don't have to10:09worry about tucking it in clean and easy10:12cap sleeve so it doesn't get too big on10:14the arms easy to pop on underneath a10:17jacket comes in three colors gang white10:20this really great Heather oatmeal which10:22is super hard to find really great10:24classic though and of course your black10:27so three incredible colors love all of10:30these this is a staple again from Z10:32Supply a must must have stock up and10:35they're a really good price $39 so get10:38all three because you're going to wear10:40them like crazy and again I just love a10:42little bit of t-shirt peeking out from10:44my kwx and my hoodies it just makes10:46things feel a little bit more polished10:48and then again when I get really hot cuz10:49I'm doing all the things I can pop that10:51sweater off and I still feel put10:53together tank top world when you're10:56thinking about the tea but maybe you10:58want something that's a little bit more10:59shaped and or a little bit more bare you11:02know what I'm going to talk about I'm11:03going to talk about that fabulous LNA11:06double layer rib tank say it with me11:09three times fast this is your new11:11favorite tank why we love this guy11:13number one so flattering that double11:16layer skims the body gives you some11:18shape is not see-through no matter how11:21curvy you are on top I also love the cut11:25of the arm it's not too bare it doesn't11:27come too far away from your arm so that11:31like spot that we don't all love so much11:34grazes it love that that is attention to11:36detail that cannot be beat also love the11:39length not too crazy long on this one so11:42it's an easy one to tuck in but not so11:45long that you're going to get bunching11:47bunching around your hips so pop color11:50wear it on its own with a fabulous cuff11:52Jean you've got a whole look going on11:55get your neutrals and layer them up so11:57white oh there it is again that great11:59Heather oatmeal and black really12:02fantastic piece and I'm telling you this12:05is one that we've been having so much12:06fun with as we've been styling into12:09spring season because you can really12:11elevate it and dress it up example a12:15take the blacking this is your new12:17nightout top and I'm not kidding this is12:19your new nightout top it's a tank top12:21that's how easy it is it's a knit take12:23this pair it with your cuffs and then12:27grab yourself a good belt to define the12:30waist a fun shoe and you are done dress12:34it up a little bit like you could take a12:35little strappy gold shoe which is a fun12:37contrast back to that cuff Jean so12:40interesting or go sporty where this guy12:44b spell hat how fun is This Love This12:46little hat from spiritual gangster and12:49then a great sneaker or even the shoes12:51that I'm wearing sporty casual I'm12:54thinking I don't know baseball gam12:56spring training what are you doing put12:58together easy so staple staple staple13:01wear these like crazy so since I brought13:05out the baseball hat we got to talk13:06about it accessories are having a moment13:09and in a way that's not like crazy that13:11accessory I'm only going to wear one13:13time and then I wish I wouldn't have13:14bought it this is a accessories are13:16having a moment as in I'm going to wear13:18these all the time and they are going to13:21become my new staple so so many of you13:23already are baseball hat wearers you13:26rock them you love them they really13:29finish your look we have so many fun13:31options I showed you this great13:32spiritual gangster which I'm a fan of13:34more of a trucker trucker Style gang and13:36this one also comes in a couple13:38different versions I love the love one13:40of course because you know all the love13:42but there's also a great blue and a13:44really fun green so different ways in13:46what I think is so fun though whether13:49you are a New York gal or an LA gal or13:53you just want to pretend that you are13:54from one of the coasts or you just love13:56the logo which who isn't here for that13:59new brand new hats here at14:01evereve 47 what makes these so cool is14:05they had this great vintage feel to them14:08but they went fashion so looks like14:11you've had it forever great wash down14:14colorway I absolutely adore this camo I14:17think this is such a chic chic way to do14:20a cap love these for your Saturday14:23morning getting it done didn't have time14:25to brush my hair walking to the bus stop14:27grabbing a coffee meeting girlfriends14:29for a croissant baseball game hockey14:31game lacrosse season whatever your14:33weekend brings you or maybe even just a14:35Target run you're going to be the q's14:37one in there because you're wearing this14:38hat grab more than one and they are14:40going fast fast fast so make sure you14:42get your perits on them before they14:44disappear and then that belt so I nodded14:46to it when we were talking about the14:48black belt what I think is so fun about14:50belts in general is that they really14:53finish the look and as jeans are getting14:55a little bit wider and a little bit more14:57relaxed dip that waist in and nothing15:00does it better than a belt we've been15:02beltless for so long maybe in the back15:06of your closet you have one or two back15:08there what I'm going to bet is the belt15:09that you have is from way back in the15:12day when you wore a lower rise Jean so15:15you're going to put that belt on now15:17with your higher rise Jean and you're15:19going to be out of belt holes right15:21you're going to put it on and be like oh15:22I can't close it because this was meant15:25to be down here and I want it to be up15:27here and it's not working so here's the15:29deal you need a new belt get yourself a15:31new belt it's time cheater way to do it15:34a woven belt no belt holes needed and it15:37works with your lower and your higher no15:39matter what rise you opt for I love this15:42one because of the mix of all the Browns15:44in here mix it neutral and easy so fun15:46to wear but there's also some great15:48little combinations as15:50well Hardware is absolutely a thing on15:53belts now so getting something with a15:55little bit of that kind of burnished15:56brass gold feels really important a15:59neutral Brown is really pretty love this16:02guy and then total sucker for mixing a16:05woven and a suede how Chic is this with16:07that great detail again t-shirt jeans16:11belt little shoe done and done and then16:15if you didn't have time to do your hair16:16that day throw on a c out the door okay16:19layers so important this season and the16:22jacket is absolutely the way to go in16:26some of my absolute favorites first and16:29foremost brand new jacket from cut two16:33colors in this one a great cream as well16:35as a really fun wash down red now why I16:39love this is this is kind of your answer16:41to an update to a denim jacket a great16:44alternative to16:46utility feels like you could dress it up16:48a little bit you could also go more16:50casual also what's really great about16:52this little teeny bit longer length so16:55when you're popping it on say over a16:57sweatshirt it doesn't doesn't feel like16:58the sweatshirt or your shirt is poking17:00out from underneath lots and lots of17:03stretch in this one really fantastic17:06option okay Shack it they're not dead17:09they're not over you just need to find17:11the cool fresh new ways to do it and17:13here's one from a Goldie why I17:15absolutely love this it has some of that17:17just nod to Western detailing with the17:19patch pocket and the snap closure17:21Western little bit of a thing and you're17:23just getting it in small doses this is a17:26fun way to do it I also love that this17:28is more of a cream than a white so easy17:30to wear again in this kind of bumper17:32season before we get into high high17:35summer when you want something that is17:37easy to pair back to Denim also helps17:40these jeans I think in this powder blue17:42wash not feel so so17:44bright if I was going to though tell you17:47your one home run got to have it best17:50inclass jacket I'm always going to vote17:53for a utility jacket so this is from17:55Sanctuary what I will tell you I have17:58have multiple utility jackets in my18:00closet I wear them all the time over18:03dresses over tanks with a t-shirt with a18:05button down dressed up for work more18:08casual on the weekends I bring a utility18:11jacket every single time I go to La I18:14have one with me because it's the18:16perfect quintessential layer so here's18:19the deal why I love this particular18:21jacket from Sanctuary number one it's so18:24lightweight so it's not going to be18:26super heavy depending on what you put it18:28on over I love a little bit of the18:31fashion detailing here so check it out18:33great little articulation around the18:35elbow so gives it some fun fashion18:38detail drawring though is what I think18:40is what makes this so incredible so give18:44yourself a little bit of a cinch in the18:45back suddenly you have shape super easy18:48just do yourself a18:50little not there covers it up and18:53suddenly shape is given in this18:56fantastic jacket you're going to wear18:58this like19:00crazy this will be your new staple so19:03layered over a hoodie fun little put19:06together19:06outfit easy right but I don't know that19:09extra layer really helps things feel put19:12together now a different way in on this19:15utility jacket and a fun piece to layer19:17over it would be an easy knit dress now19:20this is a dress you know right it's the19:22dress you throw into your suitcase no19:24matter what trip you're going on because19:25you can dress it up and dress it down19:27this is a dress that's flattering on so19:29many body types because it skims the19:32body isn't super super tight also great19:35for warmer weather it's not going to be19:36hot hot hot but still feels really put19:39together so two incredible versions the19:41first one from sunry kind of multiple19:44ways in first in a stripe I love the19:47snap19:48detail really creates a great slit on19:51the side so go as high or as low as you19:54want but what I love about this is the19:56ribbing on here so makes it really19:59really great fitting ribbing just helps20:01to give some ease to fabrication also20:04comes in a great black and then if you20:06want to go and have some fun why not20:08wear this super great blue pink great20:11color on everybody and a nice we in to20:14Spring season love how the snaps really20:17stand out here so this to me feels like20:18kind of20:19playful kind of sexy Coastal Chic20:22something in20:24between if you're looking for that more20:27Rouch detail so you know what I'm20:29talking about Michael stars is is better20:31than anybody so so crazy flattering I20:34always call this the miracle dress20:35because it looks good on everybody20:38everybody here's a new version of it20:40we're calling this one the Cali so why20:44do we love the Cali well number one it's20:47taking a very favorite style that we've20:50had in past years and we're updating it20:53so great rushing on the side same rib20:57detail little tiny bit of that muscle21:00sleeve which is so fresh and current and21:03fun great with this jacket over it but21:06what you really need to know is that21:08ring looks so so on the hanger looks21:10like a million bucks on the body because21:13you can adjust this to really skim over21:16your tummy skim over your bum give21:18yourself some shape through the waist so21:21flattering and then a not too tight crew21:23neck makes this chef's kiss perfect one21:27of my absolute it's tottal unsung hero21:29in the store right now and a dress21:31you've got to get on your21:32bed okay so we've talked about great21:35tops and tangs we've talked about those21:37fabulous sweatshirts we've even talked21:39about great layers like the sanctuary21:41jacket what if you're looking for21:43something that is an alternative to your21:45cuff Jean well I've got some great21:47answers for you first and foremost is21:50kind of the sister to the utility jacket21:52it's the utility pant can't go wrong21:56with one of these and we've got so many21:59iterations that are hitting the floor22:01now starting with some versions from22:03citizens from Sanctuary from a Goldie so22:06if you want that great on the nose trend22:10for utility this is a really fun one to22:13do this is I want to give you the right22:14name for all of these the Delina cargo22:19so why I love this one this is taking22:21the utility Trend and absolutely going22:24for it this is going to be a relaxed fit22:26it's going to be full length it's going22:27to puddle a little bit at the bottom how22:31to wear this my friend get yourself a22:34more fitted top so if you go relaxed on22:37top relaxed on bottom it's going to feel22:39a little bit too baggy a little bit I22:43think too generous and you're going to22:44lose yourself in it this is when I go22:46and I say okay I'm going to either take22:48kind of a fun more shaped tank this is22:51so cute from every this is the ever tank22:53one of my absolute favorites so pair22:55this back give it a little tuck and and22:58you're going to get some shape through22:59the waist and then your volume is going23:01to be on bottom you can also take a tea23:03That's just a little bit shorter like23:06that great little Z Supply tea because23:08it's not going to absolutely swallow up23:11and be really relaxed and oversized so23:13really thinking about proportion play23:15here when you have a more relaxed bottom23:17it's really flattering it could be23:19really fun to give yourself a little bit23:21more shape on23:24top another great option for that23:27utility Trend this is from Sanctuary oh23:30this is so fun and why I love this it's23:32kind of a twofer so it has a draw cord23:35at the bottom so you can make this pant23:37into a jogger or let that draw cord be23:40relaxed and it becomes a straight leg23:43pant in this beautiful green with this23:46fun drawstring detail kind of like a23:49jogger kind of like a pant it's a whole23:51lot of comfy and this is a really one23:54it's great again for something that's a23:56little bit more shaped into it and then23:58last but not least for those of us that24:00are more petite just got this in this is24:03from a Goldie washed down black in a24:07utility again this one is a little bit24:09more oversized and has a crop leg I like24:13this for us with something that's a24:16little bit more shaped and fitted24:17another great way to do this if you24:19don't want to go so bare take that24:22fabulous LNA tank shaped right and then24:26get yourself24:28a terrific denim jacket this is an easy24:31easy way to wear this trend and give24:33yourself some shape this jacket is from24:37where's this guy from this is from AG24:39lots of stretch in this one so almost24:41can even act like a shirt if you wanted24:43to paired back to that more relaxed24:45bottom no24:48brainer and last but not least I've been24:51talking about it four months now you saw24:54Stacy wear a fabulous skirt I wore a24:57great skirt a couple weeks ago from good24:59am pistola good am so many versions but25:03what you need to know is that everybody25:04needs a denim skirt and25:07so pieces that are kind of critical to25:10this fitting and looking like perfect is25:14stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch25:15stretch stretch stretch stretch so lots25:19of versions out here we've got a great25:20new version from farity why I love this25:23one buttery sta fabric super super25:25stretchy and almost more of a midi25:28length so if you're feeling like you're25:29getting swallowed up in that longer25:31length this is a really nice version to25:33do great from good Amer I love that25:37little zigzag detail and you know that25:39if your waist is your best asset good25:42Amer is one of the best Brands to try on25:45lots of lots of stretch of this one25:47little bit higher rise I found and25:49really tucks me in at the waist and then25:52a skirt I just tried on and if you want25:54to see this I wore this in stories last25:57week this this is from mother oh yeah26:00mother is here so fun so exciting some26:04great new pieces including this26:06incredible skirt why I love this front26:10front slit lots of stretch and really26:13easy to26:15wear okay gang we went through it all we26:18talked about tanks we talked about teas26:20we talked about those great essential26:22layers sweatshirts with some detail26:25jackets that make the outfit a cuff26:27jeans a denim skirt and don't forget26:30those accessories NAB them all you can26:33cuz it's going going gone hope this26:35great you some great ideas on how to26:37start building up that wardrobe for26:39spring season any questions comments26:41concerns let us know we're here to26:43answer them take care everybody see you26:44soon

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