Quick Hits: Real Talk: What to Wear: Graduations

Style Shorts: Quick Hits: Real Talk: What to Wear: Graduations

From college to preschool, it's officially graduation season! (Cue pomp and circumstance and grab the tissues!) Join Fashion Director, Heidi, and Director of Styling, Ash, as they share tons of chic outfits for celebrating the big moment.
Show Transcript
0:00we're back from our commercial0:02break Real Talk there's a looming0:04deadline for almost every household out0:07there and that is some kind of0:09graduation that's right no matter if0:10it's kindergarten or high school or0:13college or music class it's all0:15happening there and there's a graduation0:17for it and we've got the outfits couple0:19of really great pieces clearly we0:21believe in Stripes if you're traveling a0:23knit dress is probably your best friend0:25yep toss it in the suitcase give0:26yourself a jacket great accessories0:28you're good to go a little statement0:29dress so with this fun kind of stripe is0:31so great because you can wear it with a0:33flat or a heel has pocket yeah dress it0:35up dress it down okay what if you want0:37to do something that's maybe a little0:39bit more casual I'm loving this little0:41Romper that I'm wearing but I feel like0:43you can never go wrong with a classic0:45pair of white jeans loving this trouser0:47style from cut that just gives you a0:48little bit more elevation and kind of0:50like Choose Your Own Adventure you love0:52a bold print or some really fun color or0:54keep it really classic with this great0:56Navy you can never go wrong best part0:58about all this I think we've all been1:00there Sitting Waiting for the graduation1:01to start and you are starting to sweat1:04super lightweight really breasy okay1:07wild card this is a fun one though pull1:09out all the stops with a fun little set1:11I'm loving this one from velvet neutral1:13colors just makes a statement but yet1:15really sophisticated yeah I mean I can1:16see this one going to like the college1:18graduation and then maybe like I don't1:19know the kiddos like party at the frat1:20house after who says he can't do that1:23all right cheers to 2024 cheers to 20241:26dressed and ready to go y real talk see1:28you next time

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