Go West (With Accessories)
Charla is back...with a new show name! "Style Wise"...and a fall outfit you'll flip for. It checks so many boxes: chic, cool, on-trend, and accessorized to perfection—her special sauce. Have a look, take copious notes, then go west with this impeccably styled look.
- DESIGN HISTORYLizzy Two-fer Pullover
Sale price$108 - PISTOLAAddie Camo Pant
Sale price$158 - EVEREVEBeckett Bandana Scarf
Sale price$28 - EVEREVEMontana Skinny Belt
Sale price$58 - VINCE CAMUTOAbel Western Bootie
Sale price$169 - Z SUPPLYAva Textured Blazer
Regular price$169 Sale price$129.99 - EVEREVEOctavia Coin Necklace
Sale price$58
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0:00hey friends it's been a minute and after0:02a brief intermission we are back0:04together again talking about style and0:07actually accessories I love0:10accessorizing all of my Basics every day0:12I'm like okay what's next what can I add0:15on what can I add on how can I take just0:17kind of like your basic everyday that0:19you have and really elevate it okay so0:21we're going to talk through that a0:22little bit today I'm going to start with0:23these great little pants these are a fun0:26little like little side cargo pocket0:28from pistola camo yes you can have camo0:31in your closet this is a very subtle0:33camo so it reads as a green often time0:35which is a neutral and goes with so many0:37things in your closet so that's what I0:39started with then I love layers I love0:42to layer on layer on layer even in the0:43summertime I'm it's rare that I have0:46just a shirt on I usually have a shirt0:49with a sweater over top and then a0:50Blazer or a jacket or a vest or0:52something like that just to add some0:53Dimension to my outfit this is a great0:55sweater for you the one that I have on0:57right now is from design history um it's1:00a very simple gray which again I love a1:02neutral in my in my closet sewn in is1:06the liner of the T-shirt so you've got a1:07little collar here and a little tail1:09here so it gives the illusion of having1:11two pieces on when you really just have1:13the one so I love that little piece and1:15it's so thin that you can easily layer1:18it underneath a Blazer black blazer is a1:21must in your closet I wear black blazer1:23all year long this is a great one that1:26we have right now from Z Supply um this1:28one is just a little one button got fun1:30little pockets here on the side and it1:32has a little bit of a texture to it so1:34when you come into stores ask for the Z1:36Supply one because right now it is a1:38staple in my closet so those were the1:40three pieces that I started with which1:42might seem you know like your Basics1:44that they all go together but to kick it1:46up a notch is the accessories so I'm1:49really leaning into that Western Trend1:51which is really hot for fall so how do I1:54start and kind of take the the everyday1:56and elevate it a little bit my first1:58accessory is my boots love these boots2:00right now these are from Vince Cudo it's2:02a little short booty so it doesn't go2:04all the way up your knee but it has a2:06fun little gold detailing right on the2:08tip which really again just is the the2:11over-the-top little piece detail that I2:14love in these boots okay it's got a2:15simple heel so not too high um really2:18comfortable and can actually go with a2:20crop more crop pan or even if you are a2:22more petite person and you need a little2:23bit of height um for the denim that2:25you're wearing um these are a great boot2:27okay so I started with those to kind of2:30nod to the Western Trend I buttoned my2:32blazer together pulled it a little bit2:34in the back and then added this fun2:36little belt this one is my favorite2:38right now it's a beautiful little brown2:40color has a very simple like gold um2:42detailing here on the Buckle I actually2:44sized up in this one so that I can wrap2:47it around my waist here but then I can2:48also create like a little interest with2:50just tucking it through and having that2:52tail a little bit longer okay so that2:55even the little Buckle here is a little2:57nod to that Western Trend and it's2:58another fun assess three rather than3:00just having the Blazer hang straight3:02this gives you a little bit of shape3:04moving on up to the bandana I love a3:07scarf scarves too are having a moment3:09right now they're so versatile you can3:11tie it on your bag you can use it as a3:13belt you can tie it around your wrist3:15any fun way to get that pattern in um3:17and don't be afraid to mix patterns as3:19well like don't be afraid because3:20there's a pattern here that you're3:21mixing with the camo they're far enough3:23apart and they actually complement each3:24other I use the little bandana as a a3:27little neck scarf so I just twisted it3:30tied it in the back tucked the Tails and3:32um again it just elevates it a little3:34bit up here now you can wear it more of3:37a bandana style where you just tie it in3:39the back and the the little V comes in3:41the front but I wanted it a little bit3:43tighter because I wanted to add yet3:44another accessory that being this fun3:47little necklace I love a fun neck mess3:50which is a a term that you're hearing a3:52lot these days where you're mixing a3:53lots of necklaces and things like that3:55this mixing a bandana with a necklace is3:58another version of a neck mess so this4:00is a fun elevated way too to kind of mix4:03those accessories I think that kind of4:05brings all of the attention right here4:07if you just pop that collar a little bit4:09now typically I wear my hair down but4:11with all of the accessories that I'm4:13working with right here I kind of wanted4:15that to be the feature and I didn't want4:17my hair to be the distraction so I just4:19threw it up in a messy ponytail and I'm4:21ready to go I feel like you really can't4:23go wrong the more accessories that you4:25add to the just adds more Dimension it's4:27just a matter of balancing everything4:29out and playing around with it have some4:31fun those are all the fun things that we4:32had to talk about today accessory wise4:35thanks so much for joining me for style4:37wise and join us in stores because as4:40always we have so much more to show you4:44[Music]English (auto-generated)AllFrom EVEREVEFor youRecently uploadedWatched