Elevated Everyday Looks
Charla's pulling some pieces from her closet that take the tried-and-true and kick them up a notch (her signature move). Watch and learn then put your own spin on classic style ... we'd love to help!
- HUDSONFaye Utility Bootcut
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0:01 foreign 0:03 [Music] 0:08 [Applause] 0:09 thanks again for joining me today we are 0:12 going to talk about what's in my closet 0:14 when I'm having fun wearing what's new 0:15 at ever Eve I'm going to share with you 0:17 okay starting with the basic jeans and 0:21 t-shirt you know I love a jeans and 0:23 t-shirt easy on easy to go it goes with 0:26 everything you're out the door clean and 0:27 simple this is taking your everyday and 0:30 elevating it just a little bit okay so 0:32 I'm going to start with these jeans from 0:34 ammo you know that I love ammo is one of 0:36 my favorite denim Brands they fit me so 0:39 well I love the weight of the denim it's 0:41 not too thick not too heavy it's perfect 0:43 for spring which is what we're in now 0:45 even in Minnesota it's a little bit 0:47 chilly but we're going with it 0:49 um and the shape of her it's a wide leg 0:52 which I really enjoy now someone who's 0:54 five nine like I am it just gives you a 0:57 great streamlined cut all the way down I 1:00 like love that line and I love pairing 1:02 it with a heel I don't always wear a 1:05 heel but with a wide leg Jean I really 1:07 really like the heel okay so an outfit 1:09 like this you can take you can take it 1:11 to the office you can take it for 1:13 errands you can take it for a girl's 1:14 brunch you can take it for a girl's 1:16 dinner it's really one of those things 1:17 that you can take all day long okay now 1:20 what am I pairing with the jeans the 1:21 T-shirt okay the t-shirt that I have on 1:23 right now is from Monroe now I'm going 1:26 to tell you it's not a t-shirt it's what 1:28 you call a sleeveless t-shirt or a tank 1:30 I'm going to show you here so as the 1:32 weather gets warmer this is something 1:33 that you can wear without the jacket if 1:35 if temperature wise you need to kind of 1:38 like shed a layer okay so I like buying 1:40 this this time of year things that I can 1:42 wear now and then also wear later this 1:44 layered tea is one of them okay 1:46 um the jacket the jacket is from blank 1:49 NYC I adore this jacket because of the 1:52 weight okay again going into spring it's 1:54 not too heavy but you're still going to 1:56 need a little bit of that layer as the 1:58 temperatures are still a little bit 1:59 chilly as they're getting warmer okay 2:00 now this one has a little bit of a crop 2:03 on it and I think a lot of times people 2:04 think oh my crop means boxy okay how do 2:08 I create shape with something that's a 2:10 little more boxy or a little more cut 2:11 should cut a little bit shorter so what 2:13 I did is this one has a drawstring so I 2:15 just really pulled that drawstring tight 2:17 to create a little bit of that shape 2:19 right it brings in that waist a little 2:21 bit another thing that I talk about 2:23 quite often is creating movement okay so 2:25 popping that collar elevating that a 2:28 little bit and then also you know I 2:30 always am like cuffing a sleeve or 2:31 pushing my sleeve up in this case the 2:34 jacket comes with these little Loops so 2:36 it does it for you so you're not having 2:37 to get really fussy you just put it on 2:39 and you're ready to go okay 2:42 um accessories now 2:44 we've talked before a little bit about 2:46 how natural stones are really in for the 2:48 season okay the trend here a big ring 2:51 with a big Stone love this one from 2:53 evereve and then typically I always talk 2:55 about how I'm a hoop girl like I throw 2:57 on a hoop with everything sometimes I 3:00 like to elevate it and wear a little 3:01 statement earring so this is a little 3:03 fun little statement earring it has some 3:04 little wood a little some other little 3:06 Stones love it so much the attitude is 3:08 from every again just as a little bit of 3:11 a surprise in an outfit like this 3:13 I always have to add a bag okay so 3:15 here's the bag 3:16 this little number from guanabada love 3:19 it so much for me it's the details okay 3:22 I love the size of the bag it's just 3:24 easy you can throw your phone in there 3:25 throw your wallet in there that's all 3:27 you need you're ready to go and your 3:28 keys then it has this amazing little 3:30 braided 3:32 um wrap up here for the handle there's a 3:35 little secure cotton bag in here that 3:37 you can tie with the bow and then this 3:39 great great um 3:41 straw I guess you would say a little 3:42 straw woven that really keeps it feeling 3:45 almost tropical in a way as you head 3:47 into spring last look I had on jeans and 3:50 heels which I love this one I'm going to 3:52 switch it up a little bit and I'm going 3:53 to do a soft pant with a high top okay 3:56 so first of all these great pants from 3:58 Citizens of Humanity love the Navy it's 4:01 a great fun way to kind of pull away 4:03 from the denim if you do denim a lot and 4:05 just take a little nod to still keeping 4:07 it blue that beautiful blue I love the 4:09 shape of this again it's that wide leg 4:11 and it goes all the way to the floor so 4:13 at five nine the fit on this is 4:15 fantastic love the little pockets in the 4:18 front it's got a little flat pocket in 4:19 the back it's got all the details that 4:21 you need I paired it with a Citizens 4:24 Humanity white crispy Kayla shrunken 4:27 shirt now I know I've shown you this to 4:29 you guys numerous times because it truly 4:31 is something you need to have in your 4:32 closet the fabrication the fact that she 4:34 can just pop real nice and crisp again 4:37 movement in the arms are a reminder that 4:39 this has little buttons on the side so 4:40 it takes the guesswork out of rolling 4:42 and cuffing it's just ready to go I 4:45 layered on top the little sleeveless 4:47 sweatshirt here from evereve now I will 4:50 tell you that weather here like it's 4:52 still a little chilly in Minnesota so 4:54 I'm layering pieces together and I like 4:56 to buy things that I can wear now and 4:58 where as the weather gets warmer so as 5:00 it gets warmer I can easily wear this 5:02 little fun Varsity stripe sleeveless 5:04 sweatshirt on its own and take the wipe 5:08 away from it and just wear it by itself 5:10 or if you just want a very clean classic 5:12 look you can just wear the white crispy 5:14 on its own with these pants too so lots 5:16 of options 5:17 um I also paired it with these earrings 5:19 by Jenny bird love me some Jenny bird 5:21 these hoops actually come in silver as 5:24 well and if you're someone who likes a 5:26 bit of a smaller hoop not such a big one 5:28 it comes in a little bit smaller size so 5:30 lots of options on the earrings now what