Cozy-Chic Holidays
- GORJANALou Huggies
Sale price$55 - GORJANAVenice Mini Necklace
Sale price$70 - EVEREVEChandler Heart Necklace
Regular price$48 Sale price$30.59 - VARLEYThe Slim Pant 25
Regular price$120 Sale price$108 - GORJANAParker Necklace
Sale price$70
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#html-body [data-pb-style=TXO7CAF]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}0:07hello hello we are back for style and0:10motion and I am so excited to be with0:12you all it is December it's the holidays0:14we're nearing the end of the year which0:16is so surreal in our family Charlotte is0:19now eight months old which is wild how0:22fastest time has gone we've been busy0:24traveling getting ready for the holidays0:26been on the road for work and now just0:28soaking in all things Christmas time0:31with family that means tree shopping0:33that means markets shopping for presents0:36getting that last end of the year travel0:37in and so I'm really excited about0:39today's looks because we're kind of0:40leaning into the comfy while also0:42feeling put together and cute leaning0:45into some the layers and Footwear which0:48is so fun so this first look one of the0:51things that I love about this jacket is0:53I'm constantly trying to find ways to0:55have layers that don't feel restrictive0:57that also just don't feel bulky since0:59I'm sitting and so I love the Dual1:00zipper it lets you kind of play with it1:02it lets you bundle up and zip it up if1:04you're needing that warmth but it also1:05kind of for me I'm able to unzip this1:07bottom one and create some shape while1:09I'm seated and then leaning in that same1:12vein with zippers into these cells so1:15shoes are something that are always a1:16trick especially boots and especially1:19when you're trying to get shoes on if1:21you are a wheelchair woman or if you1:24have a prosthetic or bracing and or just1:26life you've got kids and you're running1:27out the door and you should want to be a1:28to slide your foot in so love these1:30cells because there's a zipper so it1:31creates a lot of functionality and ease1:33and also helps keep those tootsies warm1:36in these cold cold temperatures and of1:39course layering stripes are having a1:42moment they're going to have a moment1:44for a little bit we are going to have1:45stripes kind of in through winter but1:48also carrying into spring so I love just1:50finding little basic under layers with1:52that with that stripe that just add a1:54little something so this is such a fun1:57look I feel like this is giving me going1:59going to shop for my Christmas tree2:02Vibes but also running those last minute2:04Christmas errands and just all things2:07holiday so let's go check out look2:09number2:16two all right let's have a moment for2:19vley I absolutely love their pieces I've2:21been traveling a ton right now and so2:23I've really been leaning into especially2:24on those early morning flights having2:26something cozy while also feeling kind2:28of put together and this vest does it I2:31love that it is a layer that you can add2:33on and have some extra warmth but also2:36everybody's cranking their heat now and2:38you never know what the what the2:39temperature is going to be so it kind of2:40lets you ride that middle ground and get2:42what you need out of it so one of the2:44things I also love about this is it is2:45reversible so check this out so I've got2:47the sherpa side up because I just think2:49it's such a fun texture ad but you also2:51have this kind of Sheen puffers so you2:52could flip it around wear that Sherpa2:53inside as well which is really nice and2:56again Stripes you guys stripes are going2:58to be a thing that car carry into the3:00spring so I love adding them as that3:02nice base layer while also kind of being3:04a neutral pattern that you can lean into3:06with things and possibly my favorite3:09socks this is new for me but I'm leaning3:12into this because I'm tall I'm 5'9 and3:15when I sit everything likes to ride up3:18and so there's always the like how much3:19ankle is too much ankle what do we do3:21here now the answer is you throw on a3:23pair of socks so you throw in the socks3:25you give a little scrunch you can slide3:27into those Burks and off you go so I3:30love it for solving for that little bit3:32of in between land if you're if you're a3:34tall lady like myself or if you just3:36want a little added warmth or a little3:38personality all the same so this is such3:41a fun way to do it you can do it with3:42these barley pants that have a like a3:44little subtle crop to them and are3:46Slimmer through the leg you can also do3:48it with denim I here maybe ask a friend3:51in a store somewhere you know every I3:54think this is such a fun way to change3:55it up but I hope you all have a3:59wonderful holiday season it is so4:01exciting that the end of the year is4:03approaching and I hope that brings so4:05much love and warmth and joy to you and4:08your families and I cannot wait to see4:10you next4:19year